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The Saturday Pond Watershed Association is a Nonprofit Corporation registered with the State of Maine.
By-Laws of the Saturday Pond Watershed Association
Article I - Name
The name of this organization shall be: "Saturday Pond Watershed Association"
Article II - Purpose
The purpose of this association shall be:
Article III - Membership
Membership shall be open to all persons owning property within the watershed of Saturday Pond, Otisfield, Maine. No more than one (1) member per deeded parcel of land. Other persons that are interested in the Association may receive newsletters and correspondence for a fee set to cover the costs of such.
Article IV - Officers
The governing board of this Association shall be six (6) trustees. From their number they shall elect a President, a Vice President, a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, and a Treasurer.
Each trustee will serve for two (2) years. The first year six (6) trustees will be elected - three (3) trustees for one (1) year terms and three (3) trustees for two (2) year terms. Elections will be held at each annual meeting. The President will not vote except when required to break a tie.
Article V - Nominations and Elections
The nominating committee shall meet at least six (6) days before the Annual Meeting to select a slate of officers to be voted at the Annual Meeting. The nominating committee is the Board of Trustees.
Elections shall be by plurality vote, and shall be conducted annually.
Members who are necessarily absent from any Annual or Special Meeting may vote by proxy, a request to be sent by the absentee member to the Recording Secretary in advance of the meeting.
Article VI - Duties of Officers
The Board of Trustees shall have the responsibility for conducting the affairs of the Association between Annual Meetings.
The President shall be the Executive Officer.
To assure that each officer may understand his duties, the Board of Trustees shall prepare and keep up to date a job description for each Trustee and for each committee.
Article VII - Meetings
An Annual Meeting shall be held during the month of July, at a time and place to be selected by the President with the advice of the Trustees.
Special Meetings may be called by the President or by the petition of any ten (10) members. Advance notice of at least seven (7) days shall be given to members.
A voting member is defined as a member of record as of December 31st of the previous year.
The Board of Trustees shall meet annually at the time of the Annual Meeting of the Association and at such other times as the President or any three (3) Trustees may decide.
Article VIII - Quorum
Fifteen (15) members whose dues and assessments have been paid, or 50% of the membership whose dues and assessments have been paid, whichever is smaller, shall constitute a quorum.
Three (3) Trustees shall constitute a quorum for Board Meetings.
Article IX - Committees
Standings committees shall be: Water Quality and Dam.
Committee members shall be appointed by the President, and Committees shall be empowered to add to their membership as the need arises, with the approval of the Board of Trustees.
Article X - Dues
The Board of Trustees shall have the power to set the amount of the Annual Dues.
Special Assessments may be levied by majority vote at any Annual or Special Meeting of the membership.
Article XI - Amendment
These By-Laws may be amended by majority vote of the membership at any Annual or Special Meeting, provided that written notice has been sent to members at least ten (10) days in advance of the meeting date.
Article XII - Parliamentary Authority
In all matters not covered by these By-Laws, the Parliamentary Authority shall be the most recent edition of ROBERT'S RULE OF ORDER.
Article XIII - Dissolution
In the event of the dissolution of this association, its assets shall be given to another association whose purposes are similar.
Article XIV - Enabling Clause
These By-Laws shall become effective as soon as adopted.
ADOPTED: July 25, 1993 Otisfield, Maine