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August 2013 - The Watershed Association dedicated an engraved granite bench at Sam's Landing to Pixie Williams in appreciation of her service and dedication to Saturday Pond and the area lakes.
April 2008 - Eleven volunteers from the watershed worked with the Maine DEP to conduct a Watershed Survey of the Saturday Pond Watershed area.
June 2006 - The Otisfield Selectmen voted to restrict the Sam's Landing to a swimming and picnic area. Only hand-carried boats can be launched. Access is restricted to only Otisfield Residents and Taxpayers.
October 1999 - The town approved an additional $10,000 to improve the rip-rap area next to the new dam. This work was done in November.
March 1999 - The request for a ban of Personal Watercraft on Saturday Pond was approved at the Otisfield Town Meeting. This was approved later in the year by the Maine State Legislature. A similar ban was approved for Moose Pond. Moose Pond also now has a 5 hp motor limit.
July 1998 - Watershed Association proposed applying for a ban of Personal Watercraft on Saturday Pond. A petition to put this on the town warrant is circulated during the fall of 1998. A public hearing on the proposed ban was held by the town on February 18, 1999.
March 1997 - The rebuilding of the dam is completed. Gordon Peaco is the town appointed Keeper of the Dam.
March 1994 - Town of Otisfield appropriated $18,000 for the rebuilding of the outlet dam.
July 25, 1993 - First annual meeting held. The Saturday Pond Watershed Association officially established.
January 31, 1993 - First steering committee meeting held to establish the Saturday Pond Watershed Association. Steering Committee members were Bruce LeBlanc (President), Steve Sneddon (Vice President), Harvey Hayden (Treasurer), and Eric Williams (Secretary).
August 1990 - The outlet dam was deeded to the Town of Otisfield. Property owners on the pond assisted the town in making temporary repairs to the dam. Additional repairs done in August 1993 with a work party of Watershed members and Otisfield Fire Department members led by Garry Dyer.
1987 - Great Oaks established on the northeast side of the pond.
July 1985 - Pond View Estates established on the west side of the pond with 19 lots on the shore and total of 45 lots.
1949 - USGS Topographic map of the area - 1949 (1.3M BMP file)
1924 -1985 - Great Oaks boy's camp
1896 - USGS Topographic map of the area - 1896 (1.3M BMP file)
1783 - David Ray built a grist mill and a saw mill at the outlet of the pond. This area became known as Rayville.
1782 - Zebulon Knight settled on the west side of the pond after serving in the American Revolution War.